Comprehensive E-Learning Program
Duration: 3hours 30mins or 1hour 30mins
- HRD Corp Claimable
- Once registered, the participant will be given a login name and password to log in to e-Learning Portal to complete it within 7 days.
- Participants must complete the Pre and Post Test, E-Learning training and Evaluation to get a certificate and CPE/CPD Points
- All participants will be given a complimentary copy of Mr. Yong Chu Eu’s E- Book and participation in the Telegram Networking Group

Points Contribution
10 CPE points for 3 hours and above course
- 5 CPE points for 1 hour 30 mins and above course
FiMM CPE/CPD Conversion
- 10 CPE equal to 8 CPD hours
5 CPE equal to 4 CPD hours